You Deserve it All!

You Deserve it All!

You really can have it all. You just have to break down what “all” includes. You can have everything you envision and work for. You know the verse…

Faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.

James 2

With some work you can have it all but what are you willing to do to receive it? I learned a long time ago that I can’t just make a wish and wait. I have to put my intentions out there and then start working. A magical thing happens when you put in the work. The path is laid out before you that leads you to your vision, wish, dream, and purpose. Our job is to stay on the path and take the journey. We can’t make a u-turn because we don’t have binoculars to see what’s at the end. This is where the faith comes in, knowing that it’s already done and you just have to do the work. The length and timing of the journey will vary. Your path and my path don’t look the same. This is when it’s important not to compare your success to the next person’s. It’s kinda like driving and looking left instead of straight ahead. If you’re so busy looking left you miss what’s ahead on YOUR path. The car to the left keeps going and follows its path and reaches its destination. You are now off of your path. How do you get back on? I’m an expert at this! LOL I have jumped off a path or two. Getting back on your path entails figuring out why you got off? Fear? Doubt? Too busy in somebody else’s lane? Have that come to Jesus moment with yourself and decide how you will get back on your path. Will you bring the lessons learned with you and use them as motivation to keep going or pack the baggage and drag it while it slows you down? We all know this verse too.

Bag lady you goin’ hurt your back Draggin’ all ’em bags like that. I guess nobody ever told you all you must hold on to is you. One day all ’em bags goin’ get in your way. So Pack light.

– Erykah Badu

You deserve it all and I want to see you win.

