Let’s Ride!

Let’s Ride!

I’m a slacker when it comes to working out. I have to find things that are fun, keep my attention, and burn calories…lots of calories! I love biking. It’s one of the most peaceful activities I know of. Riding on the trails, you learn to appreciate nature at its best. Let me paint the picture for you:  green trees, a nice breeze, rivers, bridges, rocks, and a few animals along the way. Don’t let that scare you! It’s only just a deer or snake or two! Riding is spiritual to me. I’m out there with my thoughts, the breeze, and the sun shining through the trees. Physically biking is challenging. Many people have asked me what’s the difference between riding their bike for fun and biking on a trail. In my opinion, when I take my time to load my bike on my bike rack, drive to a trail, and unload my bike, I’m not there just to shoot the breeze and have fun. Homegirl is on a mission! Did I just show my age by using homegirl? My goal is to ride as many miles as I can at a challenging pace and to keep that cadence as long as I can. And of course, to make it up all of the hills! If you are tired of the monotony in your current workout or just want to try something new, I encourage you to visit a local trail. Below are a few things to keep in mind before you go.

If you have a bike remember to:

  • Get a tune up at your local bike shop
  • Make sure enough air is in your tire ( a tune up will take care of this)
  • Don’t forget your helmet. No helmet, no trail!
  • Make sure you are dressed for the season
  • Pack water in your backpack or bring your water bottle, 2 if it’s a long ride
  • Use insect repellent
  • Wear sunscreen
  • Make sure your phone is charged
  • Tell someone where you are going and what time you expect to return

If you don’t have a bike:

  • If you’re not ready to commit, see about renting a bike from your local bike shop.
  • If you’re ready to commit, visit your local bike shop and get fitted for your bike. I suggest purchasing from Dicks Sporting Goods for your first bike. Ask ALL the questions you can think of. If you are not comfortable with the answers you receive, don’t purchase. Instead visit another store.
  • Don’t ride alone. If possible ride with an experienced rider who can show you the ropes. There is actually a bike culture on the trail and you need to learn all of the dos and don’ts.
  • Consider riding with a bike club and let them know you’re a newbie and hopefully someone will ride at your pace until you figure out what pace is comfortable for you.
  • Start early in case it takes you longer than expected or you get lost. It’s easier to find your way during daylight hours.
  • Do everything the pros do on the first list!

If you are in the RDU area and need a partner, let me know! I’m always down for a ride!