It’s Global Running Day!

It’s Global Running Day!

Once upon a time I loved running. Nowadays I like it and I’m trying to love it again. Running does what cycling does for me. It’s relaxing, and gives me time to think, plan, and dream, and of course it does a body good! My favorite time to run is early in the morning before sunrise. This time of day is peaceful, serene, and the hustle and bustle of the day hasn’t kicked in. Here are a few things I find helpful when running.

Proper Shoes

This is not an area where you want to cut costs! It’s important to get fitted for the proper shoe for your feet. You shouldn’t go to the store and select the flyest kicks you see! Your shoes are like tires on your car and you want them to provide good stability, mileage (yes you put miles on your shoes), and comfort. If you are a new runner, find your local running store ( I suggest Fleet Feet in the RDU area) and let them know you’re there to purchase a pair of running shoes. I either run in Asics or Brooks. Brooks NEVER let me down! The associates at the store will ask you a few questions about your feet and activity level, measure your feet, and select a few options for you to choose from. They may also ask you to test your shoes by running in or around the store (think of test driving a car). While you’re there grab a pair of good socks (I prefer Balega)!

Grab a Partner

Not only is it safer, but running with a partner is good motivation. It feels good to have someone cheer you on or encourage you to keep going. If you don’t have a friend or partner who shares your love of running, consider joining a running group such as Black Girls Run or a running club (check with your local running store or

Stay Hydrated

Water, water, and more water! It’s important to drink water before you head out for a run. By the time you feel thirsty you may already be dehydrated. You should drink water before and between runs to stay hydrated. There have been times when I ran out of water and my mouth was extra dry. My tip to avoid this is to keep a piece or pack of gum with you and pop a piece in when your mouth starts to feel dry.

  • Do you have a favorite brand of running shoes?
  • If you’re curious about running but haven’t started, what’s stopping you?
  • Do you have any personal running tips to share?

Happy Global Running Day to ya!