Mental Health: Anxiety

Mental Health: Anxiety

Once I started this book I couldn’t put it down. I could relate to Charlamagne the God’s  experience with anxiety. I was diagnosed with anxiety as a teenager. The story of how I found out is quite funny. Let’s just say it happened at the local flea market. There was sprinting involved, and my mother was somewhere between mad and embarrassed. Anyway… As a teenager my parents didn’t want me to go on medication so I learned how to calm myself down by what I called “walking myself off the ledge.” Anxiety affects people differently. For me I always thought I was having a heart attack which made me a total hypochondriac. If my sister is reading this post I know she’s laughing hard enough to fall out her chair! But seriously, for a while it seemed to go away or at least I had it under control.

As an adult I experienced a traumatic experience that brought it back to the forefront. This time I couldn’t talk myself off the ledge and I made the decision to go on medication. I also found a great therapist. To me they’re a great pair. One needs the other. I also journal religiously and I have since I was a child. As a matter of fact, I need to put all my journals in a safe deposit box!

Until now people weren’t as open about therapy, mental illness or needing help. Generations held it all in and unintentionally taught generations to come how to hide their feelings and “be strong.” I’m so happy all of us therapy kids can come out of the closet and talk openly about therapy and issues we had/have.Woman to woman I want you to know that it’s ok not to be ok. There are so many women suffering in silence and just trying to hang on. Hang on today and tomorrow I want you to start journaling and if needed find a counselor or therapist. I promise it will be the beginning of a road to peace and self discovery.

To find out more about therapy or search for a therapist near you check out