Woman Crush Wednesday: Kiko Davis

Woman Crush Wednesday: Kiko Davis

Representation is important in every industry, career, environment, and room we walk in to. We need to see the possibilities of what we can be and have someone to learn from and model ourselves after. More importantly, our youth need to be able to see themselves in diverse careers, environments, and leadership roles.

One of my favorite quotes is “I am my ancestor’s wildest dreams.” Many of us don’t have to look far to validate this quote. We have achieved goals that our parents and grandparents could only dream of and prayed for many nights. Women who look like me, inspire me daily. Seeing their achievements gives me hope for my future and the future of other little girls who dream big. Kiko Davis is a phenomenal woman who inspires me. 

Who is Kiko Davis?

Kiko Davis is a BOSS! She is the only African American woman in the U.S. to own a bank. Read that sentence again! Kiko is the owner of First Independence Bank which is one of only 155 minority depository institutions in the country. Kiko is also the trustee of the Donald Davis Legacy Foundation in honor of her late husband. The foundation’s goal and mission is to empower women, men, and families in financial literacy giving people the power to determine their destiny by giving them the tools to be able to finance their dreams and goals. Kiko believes you are only as great as the legacy you leave. She and her late husband have built their legacy by giving the gift of financial independence and the opportunity for personal growth.

Interesting Facts

Who Inspired her: Shirley Chisholm, the first Black congresswoman and the first major-party black candidate to run for president in 1972. One of Davis’ favorite Shirley Chisholm quotes is “In the end, anti-Black, anti-female, and all forms of discrimination are equivalent to the same thing: anti-humanism,”

One of her beliefs: The adage: To whom much is given, much is required. “I believe giving back is the rent you pay for occupying a seat at the table of success.”

Her advice to women: Surround yourself with like-minded individuals.

Her superpower: Courage

Thank you, Kiko Davis, for giving future generations of women another honorable woman to learn from and model themselves after. Because of you, they can and will.

If you know a woman we should highlight send a pic and a brief story about this crush worthy woman! Send to info@thisisallison.com