Journal Your Way to Wellness

Journal Your Way to Wellness

Sometimes you need to get things off your chest. Ya know, not hold shit in! Or as @erykahbadu taught us:

“Bag lady you gone hurt your backDragging all them bags like thatI guess nobody ever told youAll you must hold onto, is you, is you, is youOne day all them bags gon’ get in your wayOne day all them bags gon’ get in your wayI said one day all them bags gon’ get in your wayOne day all them bags gon’ get in your way, so pack light”

One way to get things off your chest or unload is by journaling. Did you know journaling can be an effective part of your wellness routine? Journaling can provide a sense of release and closure from troubling events of the past. I’ve maintained journals since elementary school! Remember the little diaries with the lock and key? I still journal to this day. The content has changed over the years but the outcome is the same. Here are my top 5 reasons I encourage you to add journaling as part of your wellness routine:

  1. No judgment: You can let it ALL out on the pages in your journal without anyone judging you. You can say things you may be afraid to say out loud or to another person.
  2. No opinions: Sometimes you just need to say what you need to say without someone giving their point of view or advice. Your journal is a good listener and doesn’t offer unwanted advice or personal life experience.
  3. Wisdom: You are smarter than you give yourself credit for! I mean we all have a little Iyanla in us! We often have the answers and solutions within, it’s just hard to hear when we are speaking. By journaling, you can write it down, review, and follow your own advice or come up with a game plan after evaluating the situation.
  4. Discovery: What you wrote a year ago will probably differ from today’s journal entries. Go back and read where you were just a year ago compared to today and discover how you’ve grown or where you still need to improve. You can learn a lot about yourself by reading how you felt over the years.
  5. Self-empowerment: Who says you can only write about the trouble in your life? A journal can also serve as a book of self-affirmations. Write down all the great thing you love about yourself. Your journal is a way to affirm all the attributes that make you a QUEEN!

Be well,
