The Real World

The Real World

Growing up I absolutely loved watching the Real World on MTV! I’ve been a viewer since season 1, episode 1 back when reality tv was actually real. With the popularity of today’s version of reality tv and the rise and business of social media, it’s easy to get caught up in believing everything you see. You have to have a little life experience to figure out what’s real and what’s for show. Truth be told many of the popular Instagrammers and YouTubers will do anything for a dollar including market a product they’ve never used. Success didn’t happen overnight for the companies who sell those teas and milkshakes that you’ve probably bought. A lot of hustling and hard work preceded their success. There were probably a few fails at other entrepreneurial attempts along the way. Let me tell you what’s real. The entrepreneur life is not easy. You take tons of risks trying to find out what works for your personal and business goals. There are many nights of staying up until the sun rises, waking up to write down a brilliant idea, sleeping with your laptop and books, and no time for hanging out without a purpose. Many times you are the CEO, Web Developer, Marketing Specialist, and Admin Assistant all in one. And guess what? You have to be good enough at all of them until you can build your team. In 2019 my real world consisted of a full-time corporate job, starting a blog, starting a business, and turning 40. All great blessings. But let me tell you…2019 was exhausting! As women, we are born nurturers, multi-taskers, leaders, mothers, executives, and the list goes on. If there is a hat, we wear it. 

If you can handle it all go for it. We aren’t all built the same and what one woman can handle may not be what another can handle. However, while saving the world, giving birth to humans and new ideas, and leading movements and countries, you must not forget to take care of yourself. For the modern-day female entrepreneur, this may mean briefly letting go of posting to social media every day, writing your blog articles for the month, taking the perfect image for a post, all while being a parent, employee, and the listening ear and problem solver for friends and family. You have to be ok with putting yourself first and taking a break and saying no. It’s not being selfish, it is self-care. I love the flight instructions for putting on your mask. You are instructed to put on your mask first before helping someone else. This can and should be applied to everyday life! If I’m no good there’s nothing I can do for anyone else. Money and dreams don’t mean shit if you aren’t able to, nor here to enjoy it. 

For me, The Real World 2020 is about many things. Most importantly it’s about creating my own world that includes, love, balance, self-care, healthy habits, growth, building brands, and more life! 

Happy New Year!